E. coli


Protein Expression in E. coli

E. coli is the host of choice to explore heterologous expression for proteins of interest (POI), especially for proteins of prokaryotic origin. BTR has developed numerous strains and fermentation processes for protein expression and metabolic engineering in E. coli.

research project examples:

E. coli metabolic engineering (pdf)

Engineering a novel pathway for N-acetylglucosamine (pdf),

E. coli fermentation for glucosamine and N-acetylglucosamine production (pdf).

A common challenge is inclusion body formation, requiring solubilizing and refolding that are often inefficient and costly. BTR has achieved high-level expression of many proteins in soluble and active form by medium and fermentation process optimization

E. coli fermentation for production of an active enzyme [pdf].

We have also successfully engineered vectors, strains and processes to produce proteins that are efficiently secreted into the periplasmic space at multiple grams per liter. In these cases, proteins are released and recovered after simple treatments to weaken cell wall and outer membrane. Please inquire for more information of our services.

Information on protein expression in other hosts can be found in PowerPoint slideshows BTR multiple host systems for protein expression (pdf) and Protein expression examples (pdf).